MCSD: SharePoint Applications
Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer: SharePoint Applications
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What is the MCSD SharePoint Applications?
The Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): SharePoint Applications demonstrates your expertise at designing and developing collaboration applications with Microsoft SharePoint. In this course you will learn to apply programming logic, use and define variables, create user interfaces, implement looping and branching, store data, capture and validate inputs and to create a balanced and well structured application using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 aswell as create applications using .NET framework to enhance scalability and performance of the web application.
You will gain the skills required to develop solutions for SharePoint 2013 technology including the management of client-side and server-side object models, development and implementation of features and apps, querying and updating data, management of authentication and permissions, taxonomies, and business processes.
To get a MCSD: SharePoint Applications certification there are three exams to complete:
Exam 480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
Exam 486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications
Exam 488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions
Exam 489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions
After finishing all of these exams you will be awarded a MCSD: SharePoint Applications qualification. See below for more information on the exams.
Jobs and Career Opportunities with the MCSD SharePoint Applications
The Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) is a globally recognised qualification in many industries such as application development, website development and game development. As of 2020, the average salary of a Microsoft MCSD Professional is £40,000pa with more than 90% being offered a salary of more than £35,000pa. The average salary for a MCSD graduate is estimated to be £26,000pa. After graduation, you can find work in roles such as Junior Developer and Graduate .NET Developer with relative ease. Below is a short list of the range of career opportunities offered to MCSD Windows Store Apps:
• .NET Developer
• C# Developer
• Systems Architect
• SQL Developer |
• Web Developer
• PHP Developer
• Microsoft Consultant
• Analyst |
MCSD Training
We want to ensure you get the best training experience for the best price. Our state of the art and modern classes ensures you get the best and a fun learning experience while finishing your certification the shortest amount of time possible. While working through your MCSD course we offer 24 hour support 7 days a week and incase you get really stuck you can call your lecturers for a 1on1 chat whenever you need.
Working with JobcentrePlus and our Recruitment Partners, we will work with you to ensure that you can find work in IT (and not in any job) through job interviews and guarantee you applications. We aim to get you on a graduate wage from as quickly as 4 months. If you have no qualification or background in IT, we will provide you with the necessary training for the experience required. For existing MCSD professionals, we can upgrade your qualifications and improve your career prospects. Do not allow your lack of experience or self-confidence deny you from a career in I.T - it is a lot easier (and enjoyable too) than most people think, once you learn the basics.
Course Exam Details:
Exam 480:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed: Implement and manipulate document structures and objects, Implement program flow, Access and secure data, Use CSS3 in applications. Here are the percentages that make up the final mark for this exam:
- • Implement and manipulate document structures and objects (24%)
- Create the document structure
- Write code that interacts with UI controls
- Apply styling to HTML elements programmatically
- Implement HTML5 APIs
- Establish the scope of objects and variables
- Create and implement objects and methods
- • Implement program flow (25%)
- Implement program flow
- Raise and handle an event
- Implement exception handling
- Implement a callback
- Create a web worker process
- • Access and secure data (26%)
- Validate user input by using HTML5 elements
- Validate user input by using JavaScript
- Consume data
- Serialise, deserialise and transmit data
- • Use CSS3 in applications (25%)
- Style HTML text properties
- Style HTML box properties
- Create a flexible content layout
- Create an animated and adaptive UI
- Find elements by using CSS selectors and jQuery
- Structure a CSS file by using CSS selectors
- • Click here to request the full 70-480 Exam Syllabus and further exam details, including:
- Number of exam questions
- Duration of exam
- Passing score
- Exam prices in the UK
- Exam preparation tips
Exam 486:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed: Design the application architechure, Design the user experience, Develop the user experience, Troubleshoot and Debug web applications, Design and implement security. Here are the percentages that make up the final mark for this exam:
- • Design the application architechure (20%)
- Plan the application layers
- Design a distributed application
- Design and implement the Windows Azure role life cycle
- Configure state management
- Design a caching strategy
- Design and implement a Web Socket strategy
- Design HTTP modules and handlers
- • Design the user experience (20%)
- Apply the user interface design for a web application
- Design and implement UI behavior
- Compose the UI layout of an application
- Enhance application behavior and style based on browser feature detection
- Plan an adaptive UI layout
- • Develop the user experience (20%)
- Plan for search engine optimization and accessibility
- Plan and implement globalization and localization
- Design and implement MVC controllers and actions
- Design and implement routes
- Control application behavior by using MVC extensibility points
- Reduce network bandwidth
- • Troubleshoot and Debug web applications (20%)
- Prevent and troubleshoot runtime issues
- Design an exception handling strategy
- Test a web application
- Debug a Windows Azure application
- • Design and implement security (20%)
- Configure authentication
- Configure and apply authorization
- Design and implement claims-based authentication across federated identity stores
- Manage data integrity
- Implement a secure site with ASP.NET
- • Click here to request the full 70-486 Exam Syllabus and further exam details, including:
- Number of exam questions
- Duration of exam
- Passing score
- Exam prices in the UK
- Exam preparation tips
Exam 488:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed: Plan and Design SharePoint Sites, Implement Authorization and Authentication, Access and Manage Data, Implement SharePoint Solutions, Implement the User Experience and Information Architecture, Create Business Processes, Create Office Apps. Here are the percentages that make up the final mark for this exam:
- • Plan and Design SharePoint Sites (10-15%)
- Manage the site life cycle
- Create content types
- Manage content type behaviors
- Implement site provisioning
- • Implement Authorization and Authentication (10-15%)
- Implement user authentication
- Implement application authentication and authorization
- Plan and implement user authorization
- • Access and Manage Data (10-15%)
- Design solutions to handle large amounts of data
- Access data contained in SharePoint
- Store configuration data
- • Implement SharePoint Solutions (15-20%)
- Manage SharePoint Object Life Cycle
- Upgrade solutions and features
- Determine a solution structure
- Create sandbox solutions
- Create a no-code solution
- • Implement the User Experience and Information Architecture (10-15%)
- Implement branding
- Implement navigation
- Customize UI elements
- • Create Business Processes (10-15%)
- Create event receivers and timer jobs
- Create SharePoint Designer workflows
- Create and deploy Microsoft Visual Studio workflows
- • Create Office Apps (10-15%)
- Plan and design applications
- Create applications
- Package and deploy Apps
- Manage the App life cycle
- • Click here to request the full 70-488 Exam Syllabus and further exam details, including:
- Number of exam questions
- Duration of exam
- Passing score
- Exam prices in the UK
- Exam preparation tips
Exam 489:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed: Design and implement search, Implement Business Connectivity Services, Implement user profiles and customize social workload, Implement Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Web Content Management (WCM), Design for performance and troubleshooting, Implement Managed Metadata Service (MMS). Here are the percentages that make up the final mark for this exam:
- • Design and implement search (15–20%)
- Query search
- Customize search results
- Customize content processing
- • Implement Business Connectivity Services (BCS) (10–15%)
- Create a model
- Create external content types
- Implement authorization and authentication
- Create custom connectors
- Access BCS data
- Implement client-side BCS
- • Implement user profiles and customize social workload (15–20%)
- Manage user profile properties
- Manage feeds
- Access user profile data
- • Implement Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Web Content Management (WCM) (15–20%)
- Implement a multilingual site
- Implement e-discovery
- Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Implement content management
- Implement a publishing page
- • Design for performance and troubleshooting (15–20%)
- Design solutions to handle a high-traffic site
- Design client applications for performance
- Monitor and mitigate performance and scalability issues
- • Implement Managed Metadata Service (MMS) (15–20%)
- Manage term sets
- Create solutions by using MMS
- Use an MMS API
- • Click here to request the full 70-489 Exam Syllabus and further exam details, including:
- Number of exam questions
- Duration of exam
- Passing score
- Exam prices in the UK
- Exam preparation tips